Thursday, October 9, 2008

SPN21_Ajijol,MdFazilah dll
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4) AL & 4Mat_HO
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4) AL & 4Mat
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Sunday, September 14, 2008

3)Teaching Approach_H/O
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Kaedah Pengajaran Era Khulafa' Rasyidin

Metodologi pendidikan zaman Rasulullah s.a.w. seperti kaedah kuliah, soal jawab, hafazan, perdebatan, halaqah dan perbincangan telah diteruskan oleh Khalifah Abu Bakar al-Siddiq dalam sistem pendidikan di samping pengubahsuaian mengikut kumpulan yang berbeza-beza; antara kelompok itu ada golongan intelek, masyarakat awam dan kumpulan lembap/mundur.

Saidina Umar al-Khattab meneruskan kaedah pembelajaran sebelum ini disamping memantapkan lagi pendidikan agama dengan memperbaharui metodologi pendidikan:
(i) Menyusun metodologi pengajaran agama yang sesuai untuk saudara baru memeluk Islam.
(ii) Menggalak dan mengambil berat tentang metodologi pendidikan bertujuan untuk mengelak daripada salah faham mengenai keimanan dan soal-soal ibadah, mengajar Quran serta aqidah.
(iii)Di Kufah ramai cerdik pandai yang bertugas sebagai pendidik.

Metodologi pendidikan yang digunakan semasa khalifah Uthman ibn Affan ialah kaedah hafazan dan latihan berserta contoh, hafazan dan latihan, ceramah, diskusi, soal jawab yang lebih mendalam daripada kaedah yang ada sebelum ini.

Saidina Ali ibn Abi Talib meneruskan metodologi pembelajaran khalifah-khalifah sebelumnya tetapi penyusunan kaedah baru tidak dinyatakan kerana zaman ini merupakan zaman kekacauan (unrest), fitnah dan perang saudara sesama Islam. Aktiviti pendidikan tetap diteruskan demi menyatupadukan umat Islam. Antara metodologi yang menyerlah kaedah contoh dan tauladan, contohnya melalui wasiatnya kepada puteranya Hassan dan Hussin.
3) Teaching Approach
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Saturday, August 2, 2008



Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hj. Su’aidi Dato’ Hj. Safei
Universiti Brunei Darussalam


Over the last decade, a quiet revolution has been going on in the development of a large library of “digital” or “electronic” books. We heard different names for libraries of the future “Cybrary, hybrid libraries, virtual library, electronic library, digital library, networked library, library without walls.”

The problems faced by the learners in doing their researches and assignments commonly due to the lack of library access after the designated hours and the lack of information searching skills. This paper proposes an ICT tool that integrates elements of e-library services within e-learning environment, using the Maktaba Shamela (Comprehensive Library) as a model.

With the emergence of this personal digital library, learners would be able to access e-resources and relevant databases when searching for materials to incorporate into their academic works. Benefits of running Maktaba Shamela:

* Characterized by convenience and speed in the show database search results required to provide time for researchers in thousands of books.

* Characterized by a combination of ancient heritage of collections, including many of the traditional books and modern academic researches and developments.

* Extremely useful and extendable interface. Provides the possibility of browsing and loading thousands of books compatible with Maktaba Shamela from many different formats, link them to authors, search any number of them, export them, etc.

* Free to upload and add resources to form special libraries in individual capacity.

* No commercial cost, not bound to any application or registration requirements, restrictions or obstacles or encryption.

Learning Style